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Something went wrong
Please try again. If the problem persists, we recommend waiting a few seconds.
The information is not correct
Please check the information entered and try again.
The e-mail you entered cannot be used
Both provided e-mails need to match in other to create a new account.
The e-mail you entered cannot be used
The domain does not meet our security requirements and we cannot use it to create your account.
The e-mail you entered cannot be used
It is already being used in another MiDIRECTV account. You need to provide a new email to create a new account.
We couldn´t create the password
If the problem persists, we suggest you wait a few minutes.
We send a new code
Something went wrong
Please try again. If the problem persists, we suggest you wait a few minutes.
Something went wrong
Please try again. If the problem persists, we suggest you wait a few minutes.
Something went wrong
Please try again. If the problem persists, we suggest you wait a few minutes.
The passwords you entered aren't the same.
It is necessary that the two passwords provided match each other.
We couldn't create the password
Please try again. If the problem persists, we suggest you wait a few minutes.
Something went wrong
The e-mail you entered cannot be used
The e-mail you entered cannot be used
Both provided e-mails need to match in other to create a new account.
The e-mail you entered cannot be used
It is already being used in another MiDIRECTV account. You need to provide a new email to create a new account.
We're sorry, we couldn't log you in
We're sorry, we couldn't log you in
You have exceeded the allowed limit of open sessions.

Did you forget your e-mail?

To recover your email, we need your ID number and the last 4 digits of your phone number.

Invalid identification number Use the ID number assigned to your account.
Invalid phone number Use the number associated with your account.